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Chilean Palestinian Community

Nombre Chilean Palestinian Community
País Comunidad Palestina
Región Comunidad West Bank
Ciudad Comunidad Bethlehem
Dirección Comunidad Shepherd's Field St., Beit Sahour
Teléfono 970598941192
Email [email protected]
Web --
Temática Social / Integración
Personalidad jurídica En Trámite
Directorio President: Mr. Tariq Mitwasi Cattan Vice-President: Eng. Joudeh Marcos Marcos Secretary: Mr. Issam Khalil Chomaly Treasurer: Mr. Ibrahim Abedrabbo Cattan Member: Mr. Shibli Gonzalz Salem Member: Mr. Gabra Roque Salah Salah Member: Mr. Nakhal Atwan Sumar Member: Mr. Shafiq Chareeb Carib Member: Mr. Naser Qumsieh Cumsille
Descripción The Chilean Palestinian community has been founded March 10th, 2015 by a group of Chilean Palestinian as a Non-profit, Non-governmental organization with the main goal to bring together the community members, and establish a center that will act as a two way gate between Palestine and Chile.

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